Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Benefits of Joining a Police Union

The Benefits of Joining a Police UnionThe Benefits of Joining a Police UnionIf youre considering or already working in a career in law enforcement or corrections, you are probably wondering whether or not you should join a police union. To make a good decision, youll need to understand what police unions are, why they exist, and what they can do for officers. Once youre armed with the facts, you can decide whether its worth your while (or your money) to become a member of a union. A Brief History of Labor Unions Labor unions in the United States have their roots in the trade unions that developed in colonial North America in the mid 18th century. Hoping for better wages and working conditions, craftsmen and tradesmen banded together as unified voices within their communities to move towards improving their work and their workplaces. Through the years as economies and technologies reshaped the kind of work performed in the U.S., the trade unions influenced the development of labor unions. The labor and trade unions soon found a common interest and merged, eventually becoming parts of an overall international labor movement with the stated goal of making work better, safer, and more lucrative for members.The unions main focuses were on workplace safety, wages, and working hours. Why Police Unions Exist As law enforcement as we know it evolved in the United States and beyond, police officers found themselves working long hours, often 6 and seven days a week, and facing threats and dangers other occupations simply didnt.The nature of officers jobs presented unique challenges that made the need for unions that could address law enforcement-specific labor issues apparent. For example, whereas factory workers might be able to stop work or strike to fight for improvements, laws prevent officers from doing the same. Their unions were needed to find other waysto help make working conditions better for officers by establishing criteria for overtime pay, callouts, and officer discipline. What They Do Police unions work with law enforcement leaders and rank-and-file members to negotiate better pay and protect the rights of officers. Unions were instrumental in introducing and implementing job protections like the Police Officers Bill of Rights around the U.S. Besides championing better wages and working hours, though, police unions have significantly influenced how and when officers can be disciplined. Theyve also established systems of due process for officers to have their discipline reviewed, which has, in turn, helped protect rank and file police officers from false accusations and potential political abuses. Benefits Police unions offer some specific benefits to their member officers. Those benefits often include life insurance, disability benefits, and counseling services. They also notably include legal representation for situations that may arise on the job. That legal representation can prove indispensable if you ever find you rself in trouble or under investigation by internal affairs. Why You Should Join In a perfect world, there would be no need for unions. Everyone would be paid well, discipline would be administered rarely but fairly, and no one would dream of falsely accusing an officer of wrongdoing. Obviously (and unfortunately) this is not a perfect world. If you are going to work in law enforcement, the fact is that you can very easily find yourself in a situation where youll want the benefits that a police union can offer. If you can afford the usually relatively small cost of union dues, its probably a good idea to join one.

Monday, December 23, 2019

How Do We Accommodate Autism in the Workplace

How Do We Accommodate Autism in the WorkplaceAutism in the WorkplaceHow Do We Accommodate Autism in the WorkplaceAs the mother of a teenager on the autistic spectrum, I was excited to watch the HBO movie about Temple Grandin last week. The movie was outstanding, and Clare Danes was phenomenal in the title role. Temple Grandin is probably the most famous autistic person today. She has a PhD and has written several books that have helped us understand so much mora about how she and, by extension, other people with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) experience the world.In Temple Grandins case, her autism makes her uniquely suited to her line of work. She has innate understanding of animals, along with uncanny visual thinking skills, and has used them to make cattle ranches more humane. The movie was pretty realistic about how autism can make a person seem very unpleasant in the workplace. Temple shouted at others when they couldnt see the logic of her arguments. With no sense of diplomac y or persuasion, she (accurately) pointed out that they were too stupid to understand. Obviously, that behavior wont cut it in 99% of workplaces. When Brazen Careerist blogger Penelope Trunk began talking about her own Aspergers Syndrome (a high-functioning form of autism), a lot of her outlandish, unfiltered, seemingly inappropriate posts suddenly made a lot more senseand after all, she did warn us shed be brazen. What many people dont realize, unless theyre close to someone on the spectrum, is that people with ASDs play by different rules. Its not by choice they just arent wired to easily understand all the emotional, social, intangible things that most of us are able to pick up on automatically. And therefore a lot of people with ASDs arent as successful in the working world as Temple Grandin or Penelope Trunk. Imagine yourself attempting to do your job if you couldnt recognize facial expressions, body language, subtle hints, or sarcasm. And maybe you cant process spoken language quickly, so by the time you decode the last string of sounds into words, youve missed some other important point. Then add to that a heightened sensitivity to background noise, sudden sounds, strange smells, flickering lights, physical irritants such as clothing labels the list goes on and on. With current statistics telling us as many as one in 100children may have some form of ASD, wed better come up with some innovative ideas for more autism-friendly work options, pronto. ASDs can be valuable assets in the right work setting, both in spite of and because of the persons unique traits. Many of the worlds great thinkerscomposers, engineers, scientists, inventors, mathematicians, and creative artistshave had autistic traits. As Temple Grandins mother put it, people with autism are different, not less. When we find better ways to accommodate differences and tap unique strengths, we bring greater diversity and some amazing, out-of-the-box thinking into the mix.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Motivational mantras to get you out of bed in the morning

Motivational mantras to get you out of bed in the morningMotivational mantras to get you out of bed in the morningWaking up can be one of the more challenging parts of your day. If you usually have to set five or 10 alarms or have a hard time dragging yourself out of bed, it might be time for a little morning motivation. We chatted with Colleen McCann, author ofCrystal RXand a certified Shamanic Energy Practitioner to provide you with mantras for daily inspiration and tips on how to create your own mantras.Prepare to start your days with more self-care and less self-loathing.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreHow to use your mantraBefore you choose a mantra, you need to know how best to use them. McCann suggests trying to incorporate them in your day-to-day life, such as when youre getting ready in the morning or during your work commute. Once a mantra becomes ingrained in your min d, it will naturally be the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning and mentally prepare you for the rest of your day. Here are a few other tips for how, when, and where to use your mantras.1. Practice in front of a mirror.Make it a ritual practice of looking into the mirror morning while getting ready for work and repeating your chosen mantra.2. Schedule it.Create a calendar reminder to daily recite your mantras. Change the title on your alarm from Wake up to Mantra, mantra, mantra.3. Location, location, location.Put your mantra on a post-it note and place it somewhere you can see it every day, like your desk, bathroom mirror, or altar.4. Accessorize.Iron Pyrite is the ideal crystal for manifesting what you want to come into your life Sit it next to or on top of your written mantra statement.5. Keep it simple.Your mantra doesnt have to be a long or complicated statement. It can be a one-hundertprozentig reminder of what you are trying to call into your life. Simple statements like I am motivated, I am amazing, or I am happy are fine.Motivational mantrasMotivational mantras will help give you the confidence to tackle anything that comes your way, no matter how big or small. Try something that can actually fit on one post-it or that you can memorize easily. McCann shared a few with us to start you off.1. I am a reflection of the world around me.2. You do one thing like you do everything.3. I AM worthy and deserving of all the universe has to offer.4. I AM motivated to become the best version of myself.5. I AM becoming.Self-love mantrasSelf-love is one of the first steps to self-care and living a happy life. After waking up and stretching your arms out, bring those arms back in and hug yourself while saying your mantra. Here are a few simple examples.1. I am a clear and present channel of divine light and love.2. I love myself the same way I love others.3. I AM love.4. I call in the love I deserve.5. I am worthy and deserving of giving and recei ving love.Creating your own mantrasWant to create a more personalized mantra? Decide what area of your life you want to focus on, and channel your energy towards it. Keep your mantra personal and to the point, and it can be as simple as one word or one sentence. Here are some steps McCann recommends.1. ReviewCreate a list of all the action items, wants, needs, etc. that you are currently trying to call into your life.2. QAAsk yourself a question like, What is sticking out as the most important or vital item to embrace first?3. Roll CallGive each item on your list a number in order of importance.4. Short But SweetCondense your items into one word or short phrase like I am. Short mantras work best and are easiest to remember.5. Daily DoseBe sure to use your mantra daily for maximum energetic output.Use these tips to help you take a few deep breaths during your morning routine. It can seem daunting, but with a little practice, youll be mantra-ing all day every day.This article original ly appeared on Brit + Co.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Friday, December 13, 2019

How to ace the QA (when you dont know the answer)

How to ace the QA (when you dont know the answer)How to ace the QA (when you dont know the answer)Even the most confident communicators can fumble when fielding unpredictable questions in front of an audience.While some leaders shine at open forum QAs, others can experience stomach butterflies or existential dread. I spoke to Leigh Buchanan at Inc. about some strategies to maintain credibility as you react and respond, even if you dont know the answer.Empower your expertsFounders know more about their companies than anyone. But as companies grow, that knowledge becomes less comprehensive. So let employees know, as a matter of course, that you cant answer every questionbut that the team can. Then make your experts available whenever questions will be asked.Build up people around you so that they are willing to step up and have a voice, says Jo Miller, founder of Be Leaderly, a career strategy firm for women. During QAs, call out your experts and encourage them to share the answer. Tha t tactic not only takes pressure off of you, Miller says, but also develops your team members confidence and leadership skills.Theres no reason to say I dont knowEven if experts arent handy or cant answer a question, you can totenstill do better than a straight-out confession of ignorance. Miller recommends language like, That is just what we are trying to determine or I dont have enough information yet to answer your question.Alternatively, You can just turn it back on the questioner and say, Why is that important to you? Miller says. The response may give you more information to work withor an opening to answer a different question entirely.Manage the mansplainersSometimes people dont have real questions, just axes to grind or criticisms to level. Or they just like to hear the sound of their own voices. Women leaders, in particular, face the prospect of men wanting to enlighten them, Miller says.In those circumstances, dont get defensive. The best way to deal with those questions is to have a confident and unapologetic posture, she says. Adopting a tone of amusement can help get the audience on your side, she adds Respond as though you are enjoying a game of intellectual ping-pong.Thisarticlewas originally posted onBe Leaderly.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

How to Choose Should a Resume Be in past Tense

How to Choose Should a Resume Be in past Tense Verbs cannot change for number, so if youre able to produce the word plural, its a noun, not a verb. Present tense verbs occur in the present, and future tense verbs happen in the future. If youre not a native English speaker, you may want to earn a list and memorize the most typical ones. When you search for a verb in the dictionary, its normally the plain fasson that you start looking for. Finally, English mood is currently usually shown by employing modal verbs. Like many different languages, English has many different past tenses that address various heights of completion and require various conjugations. Up to now, youre working using a typical present tense form of verbs. Instructions are given on top of the sheet, and kids have to fill in the blank spaces employing the appropriate verbs (with the right spellings). In case youre still a bit confused about the previous tense, here are a few rules it is possible to follow in o rder to be koranvers that youre using it in a suitable way. Any unnecessary, obvious words Amdur says theres no reason to set the word phone before the true number. The mora popular selection of the two might be the irregular form spread. The primary problem is its spelling rules, which youll discover below. After you know which meaning you require, you must then pick the correct verb form. Take advantage of these guidelines to help you pick the proper strategy. To begin with, you have to be aware of the definition of each verb. An overall manager resume is an amazing first step. Utilize your interview to deal with this. Save a little stuff to speak about at the interview. As everyone probably knows, there are numerous job titles in the gas and oil field, much like any market, so be sure the keywords and phrases you incorporate into your resume coincide with your skills set and the position you are searching for. You can also consistently evaluate productivity. For entry- level positions, this kind of investment might appear overboard, but if youre seeking to score a higher up job title, a bit of specialist help could be precisely what you want. There are a number of factors you need to think about when selecting an advertising agency. All verbs can be divided up into four parts known as the principal pieces of a verb. Its far better spell out any number under 10 for these varieties of resumes. If you arent sure which words to use, find keywords in the work description. If it isnt pertinent to the job which youre applying for, it is a waste of space and a waste of the businesss time. Youre not in the work anymore, its in your past. It is essential that all the preceding jobs are mentioned in the previous tense. Only your present job needs to be written in the current tense, Gelbard states. There are many circumstances where the previous perfect tense can be used. Bear in mind this can be an actual interruption or only an interruption in time . It takes just a moment or two, and its totally free. As you speak, its happening. Hence its typically utilized in narratives. Describe any relevant experiences you are able to. As soon as you add the new one, each of the tenses want to get changed to past. Verbs also commonly take a number of different modifiers including prepositions. Not all verbs can produce a progressive tense. Various verbs change in various approaches to create the past tense.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Resume Writing Services Orlando Fl Game

The Resume Writing Services Orlando Fl Game Type of Resume Writing Services Orlando Fl Even when youre a skilled writer with an advertising background, you will be surprised by how good a professional resume writer can force you to look. Even if its not possible to acquire someone whos precisely a professional in your industry, make sure the individual you employ has experience with writing resumes in your area. The few candidates that are actually awarded personal job interviews are selected on the grounds of the caliber of the overview of talents that they present. Professional Resume Writers and career coaches are there to help you to guarantee you recognize precisely where you need to be and precisely how to get there, and to help you to prepare your resume and be prepared for interviews. There are a lot of fonts out there for use, and it can be a challenge to discover a great font in case you have not written a resume before. The plan is going to be an essential portion of your resume. Its hard for a writing tafelgeschirr to guarantee you a job as there are many variables that will influence the last selection. The service is likely to make sure to format your resume the direction you want it. What You Need to Do About Resume Writing Services Orlando Fl Starting in the Next Two Minutes Called The City Beautiful, Orlando is among the fruchtwein visited cities on the planet, because of selection of tourist attractions, including Walt Disney World. Individuals with less than five years of work history or very limited work experience may not wish to exceed 1 page as it might portray an effort to look more accomplished. Many people decide to incorporate a summary on day one of their resume. A superb method to make certain your resume is flawless is to enlist the assistance of a professional resume writer. Most resume writing firms appear to specialize in writing a particular kind of skilled document for a particular sort of candidate. The maj ority of people do take assistance from resume templates, but a resume template alone cant force you to look to be a best candidate in the front of the HR manager. The creative men and women need various kinds of resumes, here are a few of the resume samples. You should be aware that a resume template isnt destined to remain a template. Now, people who are trying to start with their professional career might make the most of Professional Career Coacing services so as to find the aid theyll require to have the ability to pinpoint their own next actions and to acquire the job they want. In an attempt to find the most affordable resume service on the sector, bear in mind that more affordable and rushed resume services might cut corners to be able to curtail costs. Make certain you choose the perfect professional resume writing service based on your demands and expectations. Dont be afraid to seek out expert assistance if youre unhappy with your resume. What You Should Do to Fi nd Out About Resume Writing Services Orlando Fl Before Youre Left Behind Despite the fact that a competent professional resume writer in Denver will typically execute most of the work, its vital that you make an effort to supply the writer with some important info. A Certified Professional Resume Writer is there to aid you with your resume just as you would find a mechanic to repair your vehicle. A freelance professional resume writer may be a little more affordable, but a writer backed by a dependable company will probably have more quality safeguards in place to make certain that you get exceptional resume services. After all, the procedure for searching for a job can be very hectic. Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Resume Writing Services Orlando Fl For the best results resume services Jacksonville FL, you can search for professionals whove been in the company for years like Resume Pro. Resumes Planet If you would like to earn maximum exposure to hiring managers, you may choose to find the assistance of the service. Detecting a job in Orlando is equally as tough since it is in every other major city. Selecting a resume service to compose your resume can end up being beneficial in many facets.