Tuesday, May 19, 2020

7 psychological tips to land you the job you want

7 psychological tips to land you the job you want Job interviews can be nerve-wracking experiences, especially when it’s for a job that you really want. You’ve done the research on the company, you’ve applied, and you’ve spent hours trying to decide whether to buy a new outfit or see the best dentist to have your teeth fixed for a brighter smile â€" and now you’ve got the call for an interview! But how can you be sure that you’ll be the perfect candidate for the job, or stand out enough to go up against plenty of others with the same qualifications? Luckily, there are some psychological tips you can use to land the job you want, and we’ve listed some below. Pick the right interview time According to studies, 10:30am on a Tuesday morning is the best time for your interview â€" not so much for you, but for your interviewer. If you’re given the opportunity to pick your interview time, see if they have a slot at around 10:30 on a Tuesday. It will be late enough in the day that your interviewer won’t be thinking about everything else they have to do, and early enough that they won’t be thinking about going home. Match the colour of your outfit to what you want to project Certain colours are said to link to different moods. For a logical/analytical feel, Grey is the best colour to choose for your outfit. White suggests you are organised, Brown gives off a feeling that you’re dependable, while Red is the colour to put across power. If you’re applying for a higher up position, Red can be a good choice, but be careful if you’re applying for an entry-level job. Find something in common with the interviewer The Similarity-attraction hypothesis suggests that we tend to be drawn to people that are similar to us and share similar attitudes. If you can, pick up on something that you and your interviewer have in common, utilise it. It will put you both at ease. Mirror the interviewer’s body language The chameleon effect suggests that we are more likely to like and feel comfortable around someone when they’re exhibiting similar body language. It should look like you’re moving with the other person as opposed to against them, or it might seem like you’re lying, aren’t a team player or simply aren’t interested in what they’re saying. Look your interviewer in the eye when you first meet them Making eye contact from the offset makes you seem far more confident than if you avoid looking at them completely. It will help you appear smarter and more confident, which are both skills that you most definitely want to convey throughout an interview, and doing this purely through body language can save you words to focus on something else. Talk to yourself! Okay, so we don’t mean talk to yourself out loud in front of the interviewer, but talking to yourself in front of a mirror or even mentally can even help you build confidence. Telling yourself that you will enter the room confidently or smile when you meet the interviewer will not only remind you to actually do those things, but add to your confidence too. Don’t completely avoid being defensive, but be open about your weaknesses. While many experts will tell you to avoid being defensive, this can actually work in your favour. Of course, it’s important to do it politely, but explaining holes in your CV or insisting that a mistake you have made won’t happen again can come across better and more trustworthy than someone who says nothing at all. Be open about your weaknesses. Provided that your weakness wouldn’t hinder your ability to do the job completely, most weaknesses can be worked on, and your honesty will work in your favour.

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